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Oct 7, 20203 min read
How to pass IPPT easily |Â Best Tips for IPPT
Looking to pass your IPPT? Dreading that the time of the year to take that fitness test is here again? Still unsure that personal...
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May 29, 20201 min read
Milk, yay or nay
"Milk is good! There's calcium in it" "Milk give us stronger bones!" These are the things we usually hear and see on marketing ads. Yes...
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May 15, 20201 min read
Is Coke Zero healthy? Is it safe to drink? Good or Bad?
What exactly is inside Coke Zero? Is it a better option comparing to coke? We all know Coke Zero contains zero sugar and zero calories....
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May 8, 20204 min read
What is Intermittent Fasting?
What is I.F (Intermittent Fasting), what are the benefits, and how to do it right? Definition of Intermittent Fasting Intermittent...
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May 3, 20204 min read
Calorie Deficit VS Calorie Surplus
Calories intake plays an important role when it comes weight loss and mass gain! What is Calorie Deficit? Calorie Deficit happens when...
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Apr 22, 20202 min read
Here's what u need to know before going for a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)! As long as your workout is within 20-30 minutes...
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Apr 16, 20203 min read
What is Tabata?
Here's a quick summary of what you need to know about Tabata! What is Tabata workout? Tabata fitness is another form of High Intensity...
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Apr 13, 20201 min read
How much carbohydrates do we need a day?
1. What's your weight? 2. How active are you? Sedentary lifestyle only needs 3 grams of carbohydrates per body weight (KG) a day....
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Apr 3, 20204 min read
Benefits of Exercising Regularly
It is common knowledge that exercise – or even just light to moderate physical activity – is good for our health. But what exactly...
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Mar 23, 20201 min read
Benefits of Aqua Classes
Aqua classes provide us with an all over workout that strengthens and activates almost all of our muscles! Not forgetting the constant...
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Mar 19, 20204 min read
How To Fix Flabby Arms
Essential Information about Losing Arm Fats I am about to deliver some disappointing news, there is no shortcut to reducing fats in only...
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Mar 16, 20203 min read
HIIT - What Is It, Benefits & How To Do It
Find out what is HIIT, benefits, how frequent you should do it depending on your fitness level.
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Mar 6, 20201 min read
Advantages of Online Coaching
Don't you get frustrated when all your effort gives you zero result? Perhaps you're spending hours online searching for that perfect...
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Feb 26, 20201 min read
New To Weights Training?
Yes we are referring to lifting weights. Ladies, you will not get bulky from lifting weights. Building muscles doesn't happen overnight....
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Feb 2, 20204 min read
What Does Push Ups Do To Our Body
Do you know push ups burn more than sit ups? And what are the benefits of doing push ups? Here are 5 benefits you can get from doing push...
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Dec 9, 20192 min read
Feel dizzy / nausea when exercising?
Some of us might experience this when we exercise. Don't worry too much about it, here's some of the reason why you're feeling this way....
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Nov 26, 20191 min read
Muay Thai Could Be Your Missing Puzzle In Life
No doubt that your strength, stamina and agility will improve by doing Muay Thai. Your life might also change (for the better of course)...
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Nov 2, 20193 min read
Fastest way to slim down
Yes we know this is an all time favourite question. Yet we can't emphasize enough that the way you lose weight/slim down should be a...
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Oct 9, 20194 min read
Strength Training for Weight Loss
Yes, we are referring to endurance weight training or lifting weights. Not to worry ladies, this is in fact for you too, and not just the...
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Sep 18, 20191 min read
Fastest way to build a strong core!
First of all, how do we know if our core is strong/weak? Poor posture, back pain and having difficulty sitting up straight are symptoms...
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